Rum Tum Tugger Summer Concert Tee & the PATTERN PARCEL

While every sewing blogger seemed to be madly sewing Plantains (which is lovely!) I just couldn’t stop thinking about the Summer Concert Tee… and it made me feel like a right Rum Tum Tugger… what was wrong with me?? Plantain is French, chic, I downloaded and printed it… and still I wanted a Summer Concert tee.

I love all types of clothing – I am a true wardrobe eclectic… and in my spare time… I am a denim/khaki junkie & often a slouchy mess – I love edgy, I love grunge and I love casual. Remember, SewBusyLizzy does love to have her shoes off… Summer Concert Tee seemed so very me.

…and funnily enough days later it landed in my inbox courtesy of the brilliantly clever Perfect Pattern Parcel. Of course I immediately made two Summer Concert tees – in two evenings… because that is the SewBusyLizzy way… go hard or go home.

The classic red striped version…

Dixie DIY Summer Concert tee - the classic version

Dixie DIY Summer Concert tee – the classic version

Dixie DIY Summer Concert tee - the classic version

Dixie DIY Summer Concert tee – the classic version side/back view

and then there is the lace-back version – I made this from a piece of left-over Japanese rayon knit and some lace from a remanent bin… which I had considered binning but rather glad I didn’t.

Dixie DIY Summer Concert tee - the lace backed version

Dixie DIY Summer Concert tee – the lace backed version (yes, yes, you will see the lace soon)

Dixie DIY Summer Concert tee - the lace backed version

Dixie DIY Summer Concert tee – see there’s a little bit of lace…

Dixie DIY Summer Concert tee - the lace backed version

Dixie DIY Summer Concert tee – there it is!

and a naughtier/younger version of me might have worn it like this…

Dixie DIY Summer Concert tee - the lace backed version

Dixie DIY Summer Concert tee – the lace backed version – this one is for Sown Brooklyn and crew’s Sew Sexy Sewalong!

It’s a tee – easiest thing in the world to sew. I did cut my own neckbands without the pattern piece as it looked a little short. With the lace version, I simply roll-hemmed the edges of the sleeves and lower hem with my overlocker. I also decided to let the double layer sleeve hems hang separately as I liked the softness of them. I also used a doubled over strip of the Chantilly lace to bind the neckline. It’s super girly.

I’m actually smaller than the smallest measurements for this tee by 2 inches… so it’s very roomy – but I love it to pieces, it’s so very easy to wear and layer… there will be many more!

I’ve worn these ever since they came off the machine. LOVE.

Parcel 1 Collage

And in the first ever Pattern Parcel you get FIVE patterns…

Personally I’ve been dying to make the Lady Skater to slouch around in at home. And Ava has been ringing my bell but I want to make her grungy because she’s so very pretty and I like a bit of ‘nasty’ with my ‘nice’. I’ve made the Dandelion top (which is very different and a great project to make and wear) – and heck who doesn’t need a bag? My girls seem to think bags are required in double digits.


Now we all need MOAR patterns in our lives – am I right? Great news, Pattern Parcel is the perfect solution for you! So what is Pattern Parcel?

About Perfect Pattern Parcel:
Put together two entrepreneurial makers driven by their internal voices and one self-taught hacker with an “if you build it, they will come” mentality, and Perfect Pattern Parcel was born. We are passionate about supporting independent designers in their craft and fostering a community of makers to grow. Our mission is to offer high-quality pdf sewing patterns written by indie designers while supporting children’s education.
About Donors Choose:
Donors Choose is an organization that matches up the needs of teachers and their students for specific projects with willing donors. The funds raised from each Pattern Parcel sale will go to help K-12 students in minimizing educational inequality and encourage a community where children have the tools and experiences necessary for an excellent education.
About Parcel #1:
Pattern Parcel #1 includes sewing patterns for women that are modern classics, featuring both flattering silhouettes and garments that are comfortable to wear. From a new little black dress to weekend play wear, the patterns in Parcel #1 have got you covered.
Support Indie Designers
Independent designers create patterns that are innovative, imaginative and in line with current style trends. Their patterns encompass a broad range of sizes and fabulous “out of the envelope” fit because they’re thoroughly tested by real people. With detailed and well-explained instructions, these patterns often teach as you sew. Independent designers are approachable, providing support, suggestions, publishing additions to your favorite designs, and hosting interactive sewing events. When we are patrons of indie designers, we are supporting small, mostly women owned, businesses. We are developing the community around us. We are helping to making dream come true.
Now the really cracking thing about this deal is that by buying patterns you can choose to support a charity – yes, I know. This is brilliant. “I’m not buying patterns honey… it’s about charity… yes really it is… I just have such a big heart“.

Seriously who is not going to believe that? Five fab patterns – some serious rockstars of the sewing world. Buy it – it’s on sale for just TWO WEEKS! In fact at time of posting this, there was just 11 days and 3 hours left…

Perfect Pattern Parcel Buy Now

and wait for it…

  • a Rafflecopter giveaway to boot. Go forth and support charity… and perhaps add to your pattern stash along the way… just sayin’

What does this cost? The retail value of this parcel is $48. You decide what amount you want to contribute in order to truly support the Parcel’s designers for their work – read more here… It is a personal choice. As sewing bloggers and participants in the blogosphere, I know you support indie designers… so focus on that fact – the purpose is to support independent pattern designers and charity.

Also bloggers participating:- One Little Minute | SeamstressErin Designs | One Girl Circus | casa crafty | the quirky peach | Kadiddlehopper | Sew Caroline | Groovybabyandmama | Fishsticks Designs | the Brodrick blog | verypurpleperson |sew a straight line | Adventures in Dressmaking | true bias | Idle Fancy | La Pantigana | Crafterhours | Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy Crafts | Max California | YoSaMi | la inglesita | Diary of a Chainstitcher | four square walls | Lauren Dahl | Sewbon | mingo & grace | Dandelion Drift | VeryShannon | Sanae Ishida | buzzmills | Sew Jereli | Figgy’s | Froo & Boo | a happy stitch | Disaster in a Dress | Things for Boys | mama says sew | sew Amy sew | Made With Moxie | imagine gnats


And if you don’t know what the Rum Tum Tugger reference is… it’s from Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats by TS Eliot. My father read this to me as a child and I love every poem dearly… (I am also a huge fan of all of TS Eliot’s poetry…)

Here is an excerpt…

The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious beast:
His disobliging ways are a matter of habit.
If you offer him fish then he always wants a feast;
When there isn’t any fish then he won’t eat rabbit.
If you offer him cream then he sniffs and sneers,
For he only likes what he finds for himself;

So you’ll catch him in it right up to the ears,
If you put it away on the larder shelf.
The Rum Tum Tugger is artful and knowing,
The Rum Tum Tugger doesn’t care for a cuddle;
But he’ll leap on your lap in the middle of your sewing,
For there’s nothing he enjoys like a horrible muddle.
Yes the Rum Tum Tugger is a Curious Cat–
And there isn’t any need for me to spout it:
For he will do
As he do do
And there’s no doing anything about it!

40 thoughts on “Rum Tum Tugger Summer Concert Tee & the PATTERN PARCEL

  1. Whoa two tees! That lace one in amazing. I might have to try it myself and the red stripes have a real nautical feel. Thanks for making them!

  2. Love your tees, especially the lace back one! Did you read my mind coz i’ve just made the same top twice, in stripe and solid! Not as cool as yours though and I defo need a beach to model them on!

  3. Ooooooooooo…me likey that lace backed one! I also like how the sleeve bands go the opposite direction – nice detailing. I always like a T with a NICE deep scoop neck – very flattering and sexy.

  4. “Go home or go hard” made me LOL… and it’s so true! Love these tees. Wishing our warm weather wasn’t slipping away… Now back to the production line… 15 skirts for the school fair to be sewn in 13 days. At least I’ve made a start! And yes, it seemed like a good idea 6 months ago when I promised!

    • LOL I feel your pain!!! Last year I ended up sewing sequined bands onto 30 girls’ tunics for the school concert.
      Right now I’m looking down the barrel of several months of second-hand clothes in my garage as I help organise the school fete secondhand clothes stall… it’s MASSIVE…

  5. You can never have too many t shirts. Yours are lovely. I’ve just had that need/ want argument with myself and WANT won so I’ve bought the bundle. Now I’ll need some more knit fabric surely? …and besides I’ll need to wear something while my plantain t shirt is in the wash.

  6. Pingback: a Referee Concert Tee - Disparate Disciplines

  7. Love the lace top! If I was 20 years younger that would be the one!.
    PS, the link in “And in the first ever Pattern Parcel you get FIVE patterns…” doesn’t work, but the second one does.

  8. Great tees! I have made a lace backed green. 🙂 Yours is so pretty tho and perfect with blue jeans and an ocean backdrop! I love TS Eliot. 🙂 I have a copy of that poetry book that I bought on a trip to England many years ago. I found it in a little bookstore and just had to have it.

    • I also studied his more serious stuff at school and uni. I just love his work.
      I think it’s delightful that he wrote those cat poems for his nieces and nephews. Such a lovely idea.

    • It’s a lovely tee – I really love this pattern. I do get asked to do a lot for others but I only choose to support the things I genuinely like. With this one I found out what was in the pack before I agreed to support it. I think it’s great value.

  9. Pingback: Pattern Parcel #3: April Rhodes Staple Dress | Sew Busy Lizzy

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