Vogue 9204 – a simple shirt for a complicated skirt

Note: I didn’t make the skirt!

Vogue 9204 – the shirt… the skirt was a fortune ‘find’ and shows more of my legs then usual!

I did however make the blouse to pair with the skirt.

This pattern is a bit of an ugly duckling – or perhaps more kindly, a hidden gem. Vogue 9204 is a Very Easy Vogue pattern with somewhat uninspiring envelope art and a sample garment in a busy print that disguises the garment’s design lines.

Vogue 9204 - image from Vogue Patterns, McCalls

Vogue 9204 – image from Vogue Patterns, McCalls

It’s a simple pullover top with a collar that extends into ties, lined yoke with back pleats and a shirt tail hemline.

Vogue 9204 - back view

excuse the creases – car travel to somewhere without a strong onshore wind required! Bad hair day to top it off… all the running means I pay less attention to my hair lol… true story…

There are no darts and the front v-neck is finished with a simple facing.

The fabric…

I’ve made this in a woven tencel chambray which I purchased on holiday from Ruche Fabrics in Launceston, Tasmania. If you happen to be in Launceston you should pop into Ruche. It’s the Tessuti Fabrics of Tasmania in terms of fabric quality & style.

While I love this fabric, it does show every crease and seems to amplify the shadows/ripples as it falls over your body or with movement. I don’t notice this when I’m wearing it but it’s obvious in photography.

Regardless of these gripes, the fabric is divine and very fluid.

Vogue 9204 - side view

Vogue 9204 – side view

The skirt… not made-by-me

The skirt… it’s hard not to notice isn’t it?! It was called the ‘fire & ice skirt’ by Bec & Bridge. It is fully lined and has a very deep back hem facing so the front cut away doesn’t show the reverse of the fabric at the back of the skirt. It’s some type of scuba-like fabric. I paid next-to-nothing for it, one of my unexpected finds, the fabric print drew my eye on the rack and cost me less than a coffee (yes really). It’s shorter than I usually wear but maybe it will be ok for a ‘night out’ or drinks with friends, we will see. I’m sure it will be readily adopted by my teenage daughters in due time.


I deliberately chose this shirt design for its austere simplicity combined with a slightly sassy neck tie. I wanted something to quietly complement the skirt rather than compete with it.

I haven’t quite decided how I prefer to tie this… and I haven’t tried a low loose bow. The ties seem longer than the pattern illustration and I’m toying with the idea of unpicking the hand stitching on the inside back neckline and shortening them slightly… but maybe not.

I really like this simple pattern. I think I may make another in silk and/or rayon to wear as casual tops with jeans. It would also pair beautifully with a pencil skirt for work. It’s a nice change from a collared shirt yet not totally lacking in interest.

It’s a very fast make and if you can ‘burrito’ your shirt yokes, even faster. There is a small amount of hand stitching around the back neck to finish the tie neck.

Pattern: Vogue 9204
Fabric: Tencel chambray, Ruche Fabrics Launceston. Purchased in January while on holidays.
Skirt: RTW, Bec & Bridge, not current range

Thanks to my friend Susan of Measure Twice, Cut Once who lightened up my photos for me to actually show the top & skirt in their true colours (I’m not technical in this regard) and saved me taking more (clouds descended and the weather turned nasty/cold as these were taken making the colours very murky).


Still running! Park Run official time down to 26.02 minutes and I recently finished 10kms in 55.03 minutes. It’s four months since I attempted to run/walk my first Park Run. It’s been a lesson in persistence and perhaps sheer bloody mindedness 🙂

I’m trying to fit 20+ kms into my week. Yesterday I did Park Run (5kms) and then a steady 11.5kms with friends in the late afternoon as I had a hockey game at night. We trotted out for another 5kms as the sunset this evening so I could tick off 21.5km this weekend and a total of 29.5kms over the week.

I’m slowly learning to approach different runs differently. Some are more about pace, others about distance and others about time on my feet. Sometimes I run and chat with friends. It’s been a really interesting process. I’m not terribly scientific about it, I simply do what works for me and feels right/sensible.

I had a complete brain fart & upgraded my July 10km event to a half marathon… I decided I just need to finish my ‘first one’ and then I can work on my time over this new-to-me distance… can’t be that hard… can it???

32 thoughts on “Vogue 9204 – a simple shirt for a complicated skirt

  1. What a perfect match to the skirt! You couldn’t have picked a better color to compliment it either. How clever that the skirt is made with a deep hem facing so it doesn’t show due to the shorter front length. I think I would have certainly passed up this Vogue pattern based on the cover design. Your make certainly sells this pattern far better than Vogue does!

    • Sometimes you just need to focus on the line art rather than the illustrations or samples. I’m quite tempted to make something similar but as a winter dress. Must consult the fabric stash

  2. Great version of that shirt and it’s perfect with your stunning skirt. I made this top in a woven cotton and the ties didn’t work as well as your lovely fabric. I didn’t love it, but your version is so cute, I might have to give this top another go with a softer fabric. Beautiful!

    • I think it does need something fairly fluid for the ties to hang gently around your neck. I do wish it had very simple thin cuffs of some sort but that would be easy enough to add.

      • Agreed! I’m pretty sure I’m going to give this one another go! And I’m going to follow your suggestion and add some tiny cuffs. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Nice blouse! I like the ties on you, but would not like them on me. Are they easy to leave off?
    And I’m so impressed by your running! I’ve been running/jogging for excercise for a few years, only short distance and not often. I entered my first run three weeks ago, 10 kms, and proudly finished in 1h 55s. It was my second time running that far, so my goal was to make it.

    • If you wanted to omit the ties you would just need to make a facing pattern piece for the back neck. The front facing goes from the shoulder seam and the neck tie finishes the back neck edge.
      That’s fantastic in your first 10km event!
      Running is addictive and I’ve been encouraged and inspired by our local running community, Park Run is certainly a massive factor in my improvement – that regular 5kms every week is such a great way to monitor and motivate me.
      I’ve got my first 10km event next weekend, I’ve run the distance a few times with friends…. but this course has some hills… eek!
      I’m not quite sure why on earth I thought a half marathon so soon was a great idea but like you said my goal is to “make it”. The course for the half marathon is well known for being ‘fast & flat’ and lots of people do their first ‘half’ there so I think I might as well try 🙂

  4. You are so right about this blouse being a “hidden gem” – so easy to skip over it when you first see it yet completed it looks wonderful with that simple tie down the front. I actually like the length of your tie! Lovely combination – the length of everything is spot on.

    • I quite love finding magic in unexpected places & sewing up these overlooked patterns is fun.
      Running is addictive. If anyone had told me in January I’d be running somewhat obsessively in June and up to 30kms a week I would have laughed at them… now they can laugh at me!

  5. Well done on the running. In my mid sixties, I swim laps and do aqua to keep fit. I think it is a case of what you can do and enjoy. Love the top, but not so sure about the shirt!

    • The skirt is a bit offbeat. It is a bit of fun and it was an interesting challenge to make something to pair with it.
      You are so right, exercise is a truly individual thing. Just do what works for you.

  6. Girl, I keep telling you . . . you make a paper sack look good! 🙂 I can’t wait to meet/hang out/sew with you someday! (In my dreams).



  7. You look insanely elegant in this shirt/skirt combo. Vogue should hire you and reshoot the cover pic on this pattern. That being said, I’m off to purchase.

    • I was going great guns with my training and then I caught the flu earlier this week – the whole family got it.
      I think I’ll be ok but not under 2 hrs like I hoped. But there’s always ‘next time’

  8. The shirt is a great match for the skirt and compliments it perfectly in its colour and simplicity.
    Totally agree about running being addictive! I’ve been running for more than half my life and still going. I need it for mental and physical fitness more than anything else!

    • I never imagined I’d get addicted to running huts it’s absolutely possible I am! The people are great and I think I love the personal mental battle that goes on with yourself as you go further and push harder

  9. Great blouse, and so useful. Vogue really sold it well!
    Your running is going amazingly. I run – not as fast as you – and really enjoy it. I run Parkrun in about 37 minutes, run with a local club for encouragement, and managed a half marathon a couple of weeks ago. My coach told me to slow down and keep going and i can confirm it works 😃.

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